You're thundering down the runway,
launching into your fifth backflip in a row. For a moment it feels like the whole world is rotating around
you, then it's over and that's when the crowd goes crazy!
Tumbling is a truly breath-taking type of gymnastics. It's all about somersaults, flips and twists - and
linking them together, one right after the other. If you already love doing somersaults or cartwheels then
it's easy to get started with tumbling whatever age you are (not to mention a whole lot of fun).
You'll start by learning how it feels to perform simple tricks on a sprung runway. Then, as your technique
and confidence grows, you'll learn to perform amazing sequences of flips and twists. If you get a kick out
of competing, there are competitions for every age group from child to adult. Of course, if you want to
tumble just for fun, go for it!
Some floor gymnastics experience is required to be able to participate within these sessions (particularly
with readiness to perform the back flic). We welcome all ages to our sessions and split the classes
appropriately. So even if you are completely new to tumbling, we can find an appropriate class that’s just
right for you
Please contact us via email to complete an Expression of Interest Form. Once a space becomes available during one of your indicated times of availability, our admin team will be in contact with you to book a taster session. You only pay for this one-off session to start with and there is no commitment to join afterwards. These sessions must be booked in advance as we strictly limit the numbers in our sessions. Once you have joined as a member, sessions are paid for on a rolling monthly direct debit.
Download our current timetable and prices...